Recently I received a Word of Prophecy concerning things in
my life that are coming. Many people would get excited, and some even seek for
a Word from God, but I’ve come to understand something about when the prophet
says: “thus saith the Lord”.
Merriam Webster Dictionary defines: Prophetic as “a foretelling of coming
events”. God has spoken through many
prophets in the Bible Old and New Testament alike. Growing up in a Baptist
background all of this was very strange to me, but when I became Spirit-filled
I learned a lot about God that I never understood before.
See the difference in when I was a Baptist boy and when I
became Spirit-filled is now I understand a piece of God which I never knew
existed. And being a skeptic, I stood back, (learning about the moves of God)
and watched to see if these words of prophecy would come true. And they did!
God showed me time after time His love for me through many obedient servants
which gave me the message, and told me things that no one else would have
God speaks to, and through, His preacher, teachers, and
prophets even today. 1
Corinthians 14:3 “But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation,
and comfort”.
So from scripture we see
that prophetic words are to:
Edify – to instruct, uplift,
and enlighten, give direction.
Exhort – to urge strongly, to
give warning or advice, make urgent appeal.
Comfort – to give strength
and hope.
The word I received
told me of climbing a stair stepped pyramid and I was almost to the top. But in
my way were all kinds of rocks in which I would have to maneuver around and
over. The climb would be rough, but I will make it to the top.
Here is the lesson I have learned.
When God gives you a word, He is telling you and preparing
you for the journey. He is trying to prepare you for what is in front of you,
and for the obstacles you will have to face. He’s letting you know it will be
challenging, and the battle will not be easy. But if you persevere you will
come out on top.
The Lesson.
A word from God only comes when you are about to go through
a series of trials, and He is trying to warn you of the test. Without a test
there are no testimonies. We are saved by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
I pray my testimonies will encourage other to reach out and
trust God with everything that is inside of them.
My love to you all
Pastor Nolan
***there is more to this word of prophecy in which I received, but I only shared a part of it. The rest is between me and God.***
Praising God with you that you are on this journey and praying that HE will continue to make all things clear to you. Trusting God is the only road worth taking! I am reminded of that daily! Thanks for sharing your word with us. :)